PII Compliance

Any article that talks about PII, Industry news, and regulations — not salesy — not product-focused but more general and helpful.

Hackers Want Your Encrypted Data

Hackers Want Your Encrypted Data

An interesting trend is taking place in the world of data hacking. Hackers are greedily collecting untold volumes of encrypted data knowing they cannot use it today. While this may seem confusing, it is no surprise to many data security professionals, and it can only...

Anonomatic Could Save the U.S. Economy $100B+ a Year!

Anonomatic Could Save the U.S. Economy $100B+ a Year!

Federal data privacy laws have been slowly moving through congress for years and there has been real progress made recently, with a bi-lateral agreement called the American Data Privacy and Protection. But not everyone has been waiting for the law to be passed before...

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