I don’t know how many different pictures and icons I’ve seen to illustrate cloud services, but they always represent a soft, cushy and very safe environment. Ask any PII data privacy specialist, and they will likely give you very different points of view.
That has not stopped the big digital transformation push to move everything, especially your data, to the cloud. A major reason for this push to the cloud is cloud services make a lot of the daily tasks of operating IT infrastructure much easier, safer and less expensive. However, not everything is a good fit for the cloud. This is especially true when you consider loading your mission-critical, on-premise data to an external or vendor’s cloud for analytics. Its here that hidden rocks in the clouds can bring any well-intentioned project down in flames.
From our conversations with many companies preparing for this transition as part of their digital transformation, they described their biggest obstacle as either:
A) adequately protecting the PII in their data once it is in the cloud or
B) making use of their data in the cloud once they take all of the PII out of it.
B is where the PII Vault from Anonomatic can help.
Our mission is to operationalize your identified data. What this means is we want you to be able to leverage as much value from your data as possible without ever having to worry about identifying details being exposed either through accident, hacks or gaps in the process. If one of your main goals is to use a cloud-service provider to automate and simplify your analytics then you really do not need to take the risk, or incur the overhead, of having your PII in the cloud. You only need to be able to combine and aggregate on specific values. The PII Vault lets you do all this without having those values in the cloud.
Sounds impossible, right?
Our patent-pending approach separates the PII from the fact data it identifies and never lets the two come back together again. The PII is replaced with what we call a ‘Poly-Anonymous’ Id, generated from our PII Vault. This multi-value, non-identifying identifier, allows you to link data for the same person without ever risking the exposure of that person’s identifying details. Using Poly-Anonymous Ids and the PII Vault works equally well whether you just uploaded your data to the cloud or if you shared/combined your data with other internal sources an entirely different organization.
If this sounds like tokenization, it is similar. At least in the way that a horse-drawn cart is similar to the F150 Lightning. However, as opposed to the revolutionary electric pickup from Ford they recently announced, our game-changing technology is available now.
Like all the capabilities of the PII Vault, this process is easily automated using the data pipeline/workflow automation tool of your choice. All our services are provided via a simple Docker container-based API/Web Service. You can implement the PII Vault behind your own firewall in less than an hour.
To see how simple it is, sign up for a free trial on our website.