PII Compliance
Made Easy with
PII as a Service®

Safely store, anonymize, mask, mine, redact and share sensitive data with 100% data accuracy and full international data privacy compliance

  Featured Content

Do you have customers who are reluctant from loading data into your cloud services because of PII?

Watch our latest webinar which will show you how to eliminate customer PII restrictions with privacy-enhanced entity resolution and AI-matching

Why Anonomatic PII Vault®?

Data privacy and PII compliance are serious issues across multiple professions and industries. Here are some key benefactors of the PII Vault solution.

Move Faster

Technology Officers

Reap significant time and cost savings, with no loss of functionality, when you separate PII from identified data.

Ensure Privacy and Compliance

Privacy Professionals

PII cannot be lost, stolen or accidentally exposed when data has been Poly-Anonymized™.

Cut Time to Market

Software Solutions

Embed PII Vault to create innovative solutions, reduce time to market, and deliver the most PII secure solutions anywhere.

Eliminate PII Compliance Overhead

Data Scientists

Spend time working on data, not regulations.

Target with Unprecedented Accuracy

Marketing Management

Unlock data to deliver more accurate and targeted messaging.

remove barriers | increase revenue

Web Service Providers
Provide one, simple step to anonymize all data before it reaches your platform.

PII Vault Core Capabilities

The PII Vault portfolio of technologies enables innovative data privacy solutions

Anonymous Data Matching

Combine disparate, anonymous data sets at the individual level without ever receiving PII once that data has been anonymized with Poly- Anonymization™.


Replace PII with a compliant multi-value, non-identifying key used in anonymous data matching to link data from multiple organizations.

Poly-Anonymization for PII Data Privacy
Data Masking and PII Redaction for PII data privacy

Poly-Pseudonyms Data Masking and PII Redaction

Mask private data with realistic, but false pseudonyms in all databases. Redact PII from unstructured data, rendering it safe to store, share and use.

Customer Success Story

See What PII Vault Can Do for You