The purpose of this document is to introduce C# developers on how to utilize the PII Vault API, with code examples. This document should be consistent with what is seen in the PIIVault sample client program, which is an open source program to help developers walk through how the API is used.
All requests in the API return a JSON response with some specific fields that make all API responses consistent regardless of what end point is called.
Accompanying Classes
Several C# classes were written in this project to assist in more mundane tasks of calling the API. This document will explain each part so if a developer decides to write their own classes or methods, they fully understand what to expect.
Standard C# class to represent all responses that the API returns, regardless if the request is a success or not. Contains success Boolean and error information if the API has returned with any error.
Key and message class to give off specific information on an error returned back from the API.
Child class that inherits from ApiResponse class, but with generics to contain data or information that can be specific to the end point used.
HTTP call service class the call each end point in the API. Uses the standard System.Net.Http library in .NET to make it’s calls. Uses standard HTTP methods as the method also tells the API which specific action to perform.
Also uses JSON deserializer classes found in the System.Text.Json found in .NET to wrap the JSON returned from the API into C# objects.
Models Folder
Simple C# classes designed to be used to send and receive data from the API.
Requests – General
The following classes represent the data sent to and from our API as JSON
Class | Property | Type |
ProfileModel | ||
SourceSystemKey | String | |
FirstName | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
LastName | String | |
DateOfBirth | DateTime | |
Gender | String | |
Emails | ProfileEmailModel | |
Phones | ProfilePhoneModel | |
Addresses | ProfileAddressModel | |
Keys | ProfileKeyModel | |
ProfileEmailModel | ||
PhoneType | String | |
PhoneOwner | String | |
PhoneNumber | String | |
ProfileAddressModel | ||
AddressType | String | |
StreetAddress1 | String | |
StreetAddress2 | String | |
City | String | |
State | String | |
Zip | String | |
Country | String | |
ProfileKeyModel | ||
KeyType | String | |
KeyOwner | String | |
KeyValue | String | |
PseudonymRequestModel | ||
SeedValue | Integer | |
SourceSystemKey | String |
Request: Profile(s)
This class is used to request specific actions for one or more profiles
Class | Property | Type |
ProfileRequest | ||
Index | Int | |
SourceSystemKey | string | |
PolyId | Guid |
Responses – General
The classes below represent data returned from our API as JSON
Class | Property | Type |
ProfileListResponseModel | ||
ProfileResponseModel | List | |
ProfileResponseModel | ||
Index | Integer | |
SourceSystemKey | String | |
PolyId | Guid | |
ProfilePseudonymModel | ||
ReturnCode | Integer | |
SourceSystemKey | String | |
DateOfBirth | DateTime | |
Gender | String | |
FirstName | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
LastName | String | |
EmailAddress | String | |
Address | String | |
Phone | String | |
KeyType | String | |
KeyValue | String | |
Street1 | String | |
Street2 | String | |
City | String | |
State | String | |
Zipcode | String | |
Message | String |
Generating API Tokens for Authorization
Tokens to use the API are required before any actual call to anonymize any data. This is done via the API end point at:
The request body sent to this end point should look like:
{ “AccountId”: “[Account ID]”, “ApiKey”: “[API Key]” }
The request of this token within our source code can be found as such:
var httpService = new HttpService();
var model = new LoginModel{
AccountId = Guid.Parse(accountId),
ApiKey = key
var response = await httpService.PostAsync<TokenModel>(“ “, model);
if (response.Success) {
Token = response.Data.Token;
Token = null;
This “Token” variable will then be passed into the header of all other subsequent requests. If the call is a success, this token will need to be added to the security headers like so:
var _httpClient = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();
_httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue(“Bearer”, Token);
Using the API After Authorization
Primary points of interest when using this API involve sending the data to anonymize.
Bulk Loading Data to Anonymize
End Point:
This is a primary entry point to begin having your data anonymized. It accepts and array of different profiles, there is some set points of data that the API is expecting. A sample request body looks like this:
“Profiles”: [
“Index”: 0,
“SourceSystemKey”: “string”,
“FirstName”: “string”,
“MiddleName”: “string”,
“LastName”: “string”,
“DateOfBirth”: “YYYY-MM-DD”,
“Gender”: “string”,
“IsForgotten”: 0,
“Emails”: [{“EmailAddress”: “string”}],
“Phones”: [{“PhoneType”: “string”,”PhoneOwner”: “string”,”PhoneNumber”: “string”}],
“Addresses”: [{“AddressType”: “string”,”StreetAddress1″: “string”,”StreetAddress2″: “string”,”City”: “string”,”State”: “string”,”Zip”: “string”}],
“Keys”: [{“KeyType”: “string”,”KeyOwner”: “string”,”KeyValue”: “string”}
This data is to be sent to the API for anonymization. The API returns the data with the matching index and a System Source Key and a Poly ID. To do this in the C# environment, consider the following code block:
ProfileModelBulk profileList = new ProfileModelBulk();
int index = 0;
foreach (DataRow row in _dataTable.Rows) // Iterate from DataTable Rows that had this information
var profile = new ProfileModel();
profile.Index = index++;
profile.Addresses = new List<ProfileAddressModel>();
profile.Phones = new List<ProfilePhoneModel>();
profile.Emails = new List<ProfileEmailModel>();
profile.Keys = new List<ProfileKeyModel>();
profile.SourceSystemKey = row[“Profile Id”].ToString();
profile.FirstName = row[“First Name”].ToString();
….. // Manually add in the other data points
profileList.Profiles.Add( profile);
var response = await _httpService.PutAsync<ProfileListResponseModel>(“/api/profiles/GetPolyIdBulk”, profileList);
Get Poly ID
The GetPolyId endpoint is the same as GetPolyIdBulk except that it is for a single profile.
End Point:
Similar to Get Poly Bulk ID but is designed to only accept one profile. Just send a single instance of “ProfileModel” class and it will work exactly the same.
var response = await _httpService.PutAsync<Guid>(“/api/profiles/GetPolyId”, profileModel);
Sends a request to completely delete one or more profiles. Accepts either a PolyId or a SourceSystemKey.
Request JSON:
“Index”: 0,
“SourceSystemKey”: “string”,
“PolyId”: “3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6”
var response = await _httpService.ForgetAsync<bool>(“/api/profiles/DeleteProfile”, json);
Forget Profile
Sends a request to “forget” a profile. Accepts one or more profile request models, if a match is found, will mark the profile as “forgotten.” Simple returns a basic API response instance.
Example JSON:
“Index”: 0,
“SourceSystemKey”: “string”,
“PolyId”: “3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6”
var response = await _httpService.ForgetAsync<bool>(“/api/profiles/ForgetProfile”, json);
Purge Profile Information
End Point:
Purges all data from the currently logged in profile attached to the token, no data needed to pass through.
var response = await _httpService.PutAsync<bool>(“/api/profiles/PurgeAccountProfiles”, true);
End Point:
This point takes both a GET and a POST request. It is designed for POST to be performed first in order to perform the needed matching. Afterwards, GET will return the matched results.
var response = await _httpService.PostAsync(“/api/match”, accountIds); // request match process
var response = await _httpService.GetAsync<List<MatchTableModel>>(“/api/match”); // request match results
End Point: GetProfilePseudonym
This point takes a PUT request.
Example: var response = await _httpService.PutAsync<ProfilePseudonymModel>(“/api/profiles/GetProfilePseudonym”, model);
To get a full grasp of all of the possible end points with this API, you may consult the following URL: This should allow a developer to get started using this API and service to help with anonymizing sensitive data.